Flight CD 2

Gruneberg kaosboss at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 19:03:42 UTC 2005

> On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 08:11:23AM +0200, Gruneberg wrote:
>> Would it help testing if i rebuild a flight1 install (completely up to 
>> date) to flight2.
> All testing is of course welcome, but bear in mind that very little on
> your system will actually change from the exercise (apart from you
> having to save and restore all your data) if your system was already up
> to date.


As it was i hosed the box - sigh - so did a fresh install anyway.  
Everything seems to be working tickety boo!  Takes me 10 minutes to set 
up the system as I want (i.e setting up system tools / nautilus etc 
etc)  You did catch me with the change from trash to wastebasket tho'


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