Ubuntu is under attack (longish)

Dick Davies rasputnik at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 09:42:47 UTC 2005

On 19/12/05, Old Rocker <old.rocker at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

>  Ubuntu is not keeping to the spirit of the Debian
> system and is in danger of becoming a fork rather than contributing to
> it.  It is also reducing my range of choice in the matter.

Ubuntu is a fork of Debian, isn't it?

You chose to install Kubuntu, isn't there a Kubuntu list somewhere you
could complain about this on?

> Mike Bird's very eloquent complaints about the MTAs is a case in point.

Mike knows what he's doing and could easily install postfix if he feels he
needs it.

> Without any warning, these packages are not installed with
> the Breezy CD, and for some leave a security hole.

Hows' that?

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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