firefox timing out before pages are loaded

Beast2k beast2k at
Sun Dec 18 13:51:10 UTC 2005

I tried this "fix" last night and it seems to have done the job nicely
thanks. I've been subscribed to this list barely 2 days and already it's
been useful. thanks for the info Peter

mjewell wrote:

>On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 10:49 +1100, Peter Garrett wrote:
>>On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 15:42:01 -0700
>>mjewell <mjewell at> wrote:
>>>No settings were changed, and Firefox (1.07) is loading all pages slowly
>>>to the point of timing out before the page can be loaded.     
>>This may or may not solve your problem, but it's worth a try
>>in the location field, then in the search field put "ipv6"  (without the
>>quotes). Change
>>network.dns.disableIPv6   to  "true"    and restart firefox (not sure if
>>the restart is needed, but that can't hurt either ;)
>>Some people's ISPs haven't quite got IPv6 right, apparently (according to
>>what I've heard - please correct me, someone, if I've misunderstood )
>>This change has made a dramatic difference for several people to whom I
>>suggested it on IRC.
>Thx, Peter --
>This sounds promising!  Which directory has the file that need
>PS love the Stephenson quote.

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