ssh banner

Soo-Hyun Choi shchoi at
Tue Dec 13 11:54:10 UTC 2005

Thanks a lot for your comment.

What sort of tools are you using by the way?

I was thinking of touching some openssh source code to produce an
animated banner. I mean when a user logs in, it displays a character
and put some delay and displays a character and deley, and so on and

I think it would not be a good idea to change /etc/profile for this
purpose as you also pointed out.


On 12/13/05, Tim Frost <timfrost at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 15:41 +0000, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> > Hi, Tim,
> >
> > Right. Thanks for this. Maybe my question was not so clear. :-)
> > (I mean your explanation was very clear and useful too.)
> >
> > What I wanted to do is to display an "animated" banner generated by
> > figlet such that the banner displays a letter with some delay. In this
> > way, a user could see a letter one by one up untill the last letter.
> > It could be better if I could put some colours on the letters.
> >
> > Would this be still possible?
> It depends on whether you just want the message to be displayed to ssh
> users, or are prepared to have it displayed to every user on the system.
> There are two sets of files that are processed by a login activity:
> * static files that are displayed (/etc/motd, /etc/issue, etc)
> * scripts that are run (.bashrc, .bash_profile, /etc/profile, etc)
> To animate something, you need to add the script that performs your
> animation to a script that is run on login.  This means including it
> in /etc/profile (since that is the only global script that is called
> during the login process.  But /etc/profile is accessed for *ALL*
> non-graphical logins, not just by ssh.  This means that you will get the
> same message displayed when you log in to tty1-tty6.
> I don't use figlet myself, so can't comment on getting coloured display.
> Tim
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