ssh banner

Tim Frost timfrost at
Tue Dec 13 00:25:01 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 15:41 +0000, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> Hi, Tim,
> Right. Thanks for this. Maybe my question was not so clear. :-)
> (I mean your explanation was very clear and useful too.)
> What I wanted to do is to display an "animated" banner generated by
> figlet such that the banner displays a letter with some delay. In this
> way, a user could see a letter one by one up untill the last letter.
> It could be better if I could put some colours on the letters.
> Would this be still possible?

It depends on whether you just want the message to be displayed to ssh
users, or are prepared to have it displayed to every user on the system.
There are two sets of files that are processed by a login activity:
* static files that are displayed (/etc/motd, /etc/issue, etc)
* scripts that are run (.bashrc, .bash_profile, /etc/profile, etc)

To animate something, you need to add the script that performs your
animation to a script that is run on login.  This means including it
in /etc/profile (since that is the only global script that is called
during the login process.  But /etc/profile is accessed for *ALL*
non-graphical logins, not just by ssh.  This means that you will get the
same message displayed when you log in to tty1-tty6.

I don't use figlet myself, so can't comment on getting coloured display.


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