Where in the (universe?) is a package containing mc??? [midnight commander]

Hodgins Family ehodgins at telusplanet.net
Tue Dec 13 01:51:20 UTC 2005

Hey Joe!

> It would appear that on Dec 12, Hodgins Family did say:
>> Good afternoon!

Yes, I did!

> On the other hand since you so kindly pointed me at the allpackages link
> above, I quickly bookmarked it and spent some time looking for what I
> think is the last of my "simply must have" cherished console
> applications... and while I can find:
> pgp4pine (1.76-1) [multiverse]
>    A PGP/GPG Wrapper for Pine
> I can't see where it lists a package for pine itself...

A google for Ubuntu and pine revealed this page: 
http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mako/ubuntu-traffic/u20050121_22.html where 
it says the following:
 "Eric Dunbar asked is Pine was available in any version of Ubuntu. 
Unfortunately, the answer is no because Pine is not free or open source and 
Ubuntu cannot support it. "

> I know I probably ought to ask in a new thread but I figured I'm on a
> roll here so what the heck.
> Would you care to pull another rabbit out of your hat and tell me where
> they get the pine they intend to wrap with pgp4pine????

Seems like me hat has no pine rabbits, sorry!

> Probably if I spend enough time with:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html
> I'll find a way to as apt-get to look inside packages and tell me which
> one does that. (if one does that) you don't suppose they want me to
> figure out a source install from the University of Washington?
> Hmmnn perhaps this is closer:
> http://www.washington.edu/pine/getpine/linux.html
> says (in part):
> - -> Debian .deb package built on Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
> - -> pine_4.64_i386.deb package    MD5: 4cdc6c60dbe8e47829189194b8cbd99a
> - ->
> - ->
> - -> Installing .debs
> - ->
> - -> To install the .deb package, the following command should suffice:
> - ->
> - -> dpkg -i pine_4.64_i386.deb
> - ->
> - -> Uninstalling the package can be done by running the command
> - -> dpkg -r pine
> I wonder if this would be a safe way to add pine to ubuntu???

Generally, attempts to cross-hybridize Debian and Ubuntu carry a caveat!---  
be vewy cawefuw!

Could give it a shot just to see what happens OR whip over to here:
and look for the line that says  "Compiling the Current version of Pine"

Might work OK if you compile from a tar file.

Good luck


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