GRUB > and GRUB-install

'Forum Post ulist at
Thu Dec 8 21:31:09 UTC 2005

>From what I understand you installed each OS on its own hard drive. 
That is a complicated problem for getting them both to boot properly. 
The best way I have seen to do it is as follows:

wellmt Wrote: 
> Here is a method of using two hard drives, with Windows on one disk and
> Linux on the other. What I like about it is that I can reinstall Linux
> whilst leaving the Windows drive alone. Not sure if it will help you in
> this case but someone might find it useful.


> 1. Setup Windows on your primary hard drive as normal (if not already
> done)

> 2. Take out the Windows hard drive and set it as slave using jumpers
> and put back in to PC

> 3. Set your other drive to primary using Jumpers. Put into PC and
> install Ubuntu on it. Install GRUB as normal to the MBR of the linux
> drive.

> 4. Ubuntu will detect your Windows drive and add it to the boot menu -
> but the menu entry won't work as Windows expects to be the primary
> drive. It's easy to fix through, all you do is change the grub menu
> entry for windows.


> $sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst


> Find the windows section in the file and add the bit in italics IIRC.
> This basically causes grub remap the secondary drive as primary and
> vice versa temporailly, allowing Windows to boot as normal. 



> # Windows

> title		Microsoft Windows XP Professional

> root		(hd1,0)

> savedefault

> makeactive

> -map		(hd0) (hd1)

> map		(hd1) (hd0)-

> chainloader	+1

Hope this helps.. otherwise search the forums for: dual-boot separate
hard drives

or something of the sort.


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