Firefox 1.5 for Hoary?

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at
Thu Dec 8 17:14:29 UTC 2005


Darryl Clarke:

> I was just wondering when/if Firefox 1.5
> will be added to the Hoary repos.

Firefox 1.5 will not get into Warty, Hoary, nor Breezy main (unless the
security fixes cannot be backported to the 1.0 branch), and I doubt it
will find its way to hoary-backports.

As for breezy-backports, this is still not decided - a lot of packages
will have to be recompiled against the new firefox-dev (for example,
GNOME's Help stops working if you simply rebuild Dapper's Firefox 1.5).

Please see the relevant threads at ubuntu-backports ML and forum.

On 12/8/05, Steve <bassix at> wrote:

> Dapper still doesn't have 1.5 (it's at RC3)

1.5 is the same as 1.5RC3 - they released
the final candidate without any changes. :o)

-- Shot
Software and cathedrals are much the same - first we build them, then we pray.
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