icon question...

Charles Malespin charles.malespin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 16:03:51 UTC 2005

> I think you should try using a different icon set. I am using "Dropline 
> Neu" icon set from .... I don't exactly remember. If you google for it 
> you should be able to find it.

I tried your icon set, and for some reason it doesnt matter which icon
set I use.  the gaim and alltray icons do not change and are just set
with that gray border around them..   Is there a way to use a gaim
shortcut or something like that so I Can change the icon for it and have
it follow the transparent panel?

> -- 
> Regards,
>   - Saru
> --------------------------------------------
> Sarangan Thuraisingham
> ECS, University of Southampton, UK
> Homepage: http://sarangan.thuraisingham.net
>     Tux is the Best
>    Next is the Rest
> --------------------------------------------

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