Keyboard repeates characters & wrong system clock

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Dec 7 18:59:14 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 19:55 +0100, Philip Axer wrote:
> The minor prob is that after some hours the system clock lives in the 
> near future! (up to some hours)
> Sync with a ntp helps for short time.

Do you have experience with other operating systems on this hardware? If
they exhibit the same behavior, then your hardware clock has a problem
keeping the time. In this case, the package "chrony" will help. It not
only syncs to a time server (like ntp), but will also calculate the rate
by which your clock is wrong and correct it even when you are offline
for a long time. Worked perfectly for me.
If other OSs keep the time correctly on this hardware, then I don't know
what to do to correct the prob in linux. Of course, chrony will also
help, but it would be a kludge.

> The major problem is that my keyboard repeats the pressed charactes 
> suddenly! This isn't X fault, the error occurs on the other virtual 
> consols either! This is very ugly and occurs only when the system runs 
> some hours.

This -might- be a bug in the keyboard hardware or some such. I once
fixed a Toshiba Satellite laptop that had this problem. There were
kernel and X patches for it (either fixed the prob), and later a
workaround patch for this bug was included in the kernel. 
Your prob is probably unrelated, just take it as a hint that it doesn't
have to be the software :)

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