GNOME panel configurations

Darryl Clarke smartssa at
Wed Dec 7 03:06:11 UTC 2005

On 12/6/05, Sean Hammond <sean.hammond at> wrote:
> The default panel setup Ubuntu uses is okay, but how do different people on
> this list configure their panels? Do people use panels other than the GNOME
> panel? Links to screenshots?
>  I can never come up with anything more satisfying than the default Ubuntu
> setup. But I don't like that setup too much. For one thing having two panels
> taking up screen space all the time seems a bit of a waste, and most of the
> top panel is just empty and grey. I think I've come to the conclusion that
> the default setup Ubuntu uses, probably just the GNOME default, was very
> carefully chosen, because there doesn't really seem to be a better way with
> these panels.

I play around too, but I always end up with one on top and one on the
bottom.  The only difference is the location of the applets... I also
make my bottom bar (the one with the task bar) fatter so it holds two
rows of tasks.  But really, that's it.

I've never really had the desire to customize it further.

Default-ish is good, but it's nice to have the option to play around. :)

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at /

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