GNOME panel configurations

Chris Peterman c.peterman at
Tue Dec 6 23:38:45 UTC 2005

I personally don't use GNOME anymore, but I can digup screenshots to
what it used to look like.

Last GNOME Desktop

Then I used XFCE for a while:

And now I use Fluxbox

~ Chris Peterman

On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 23:18 +0000, Sean Hammond wrote:
> The default panel setup Ubuntu uses is okay, but how do different
> people on this list configure their panels? Do people use panels other
> than the GNOME panel? Links to screenshots?
> I can never come up with anything more satisfying than the default
> Ubuntu setup. But I don't like that setup too much. For one thing
> having two panels taking up screen space all the time seems a bit of a
> waste, and most of the top panel is just empty and grey. I think I've
> come to the conclusion that the default setup Ubuntu uses, probably
> just the GNOME default, was very carefully chosen, because there
> doesn't really seem to be a better way with these panels.
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