MPEG -> DV converter?

Nancy Rudins nrudins at
Mon Dec 5 13:53:14 UTC 2005

On Sun, 4 Dec 2005, stan wrote:

> I've got a MythTV box, and I'd like to edit some of the files
> it's captured and write them to DVD's
> Looks like Kino is a decent video editor (but sugestions would
> be welcome her) But it aparently can only handle "DV" files.
> Looking at nuvexport on the Myth box, this does not seem to eb
> one of the formates it supports. Can anyone recomend a converter?


I downloaded videotrans from

It compiled with no problems on my Breezy and I haven't actually used
it yet but it sounds like what you're looking for.  

Kind regards,

Nancy Rudins    nrudins at

Take a sad song and make it better.  (lennon/mccartney)

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