FAT32 rw problems

Camuzat Sebastien camuzat_s at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 4 14:50:03 UTC 2005

Hi everybody.
This question is newbee-style but I must admit I did
not solve the problem with all I know about linux

My fstab includes rw possiblity and when I view the HD
properties, I have all rights to r/w on it.

fstab extract :
/dev/hdb1/media/hdb1 vfat
       0       0

But now I cannot write on it anymore, a message tells
me the driver is readonly (mc message, error no 30).

At boot, mounting file systems displays "failed", even
if i was able to r/w before. But yesterday it si
finally impossible to rw.

I simply don't understand.

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