Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

Brian Puccio brian at brianpuccio.net
Sat Dec 3 15:31:20 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 20:28 -0500, DC Parris wrote:
> This is something of a quick straw poll.  I'd like to know how many people
> have actually replaced Windows with Ubuntu Linux.  If you have not
> replaced Windows altogether (i.e., you're still dual-booting), there's no
> need to respond.  I'm really only interested in hearing from those who
> have completely replaced Windows.

For me, Debian replaced Windows, almost two years ago, I think. I kept a
Windows box around to play Age of Empires with my friends, but the
amount of gaming died down over a year ago, the Windows box is now a
Myth box (ubuntu) and my main computer runs Ubuntu as well. Thinking of
ditching my TeraStation and putting together an Ubuntu file server too.
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