Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows (or MacOS) on Your Box?

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 17:46:12 UTC 2005

Ugh. Blasphemy!

But, if you're wanting to replace OS X anyway, Skype is unlikely to
show up for linux/ppc. Perhaps MOL could offer you a solution in that
case (provided MOL supports audio in/out... don't remember if it
does). If MOL doesn't support the in-built microphone & head phone
jack, and, if MOL allows you to use USB devices, then you could use
USB audio-in/out devices to do your Skyping.

Also, I wouldn't hold your breath on Airport Extreme. A group of
Gentooers has apparently got AE working, but only through the magic of

Finally, AFS doesn't work? (Apple File Sharing?) I no longer use AFS,
but, it works quite well under Linux! You do have to make sure that
you're running the right version of the networking daemon but it
should work nicely.

I'm sure there are people here who could help you get AFS up and
running, and, failing that, you could check out the "How To"s at


On 12/1/05, Emmanuele Salvati <emmanuele.salvati at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
>  i would love to replace macosx with ubuntu on my laptop, but i can't, for 3
> reasons:
>  --no linux driver for airport express (yet)
>  --no skype for linux/ppc (or equivalent to skype)
>  --no afs working on linuxppc
>  otherwise... i would just use ubuntu.
>  ciao
> 2005/12/1, James Tappin <sjt at star.sr.bham.ac.uk>:
> > Very indirectly: Win 95 was completely replaced with RH4.2 on an earlier
> > incarnation, then RH by various versions of SuSE, then Debian Woody &
> > Sid before Ubuntu.
> >
> > On my laptop I've still got OSX, but hardly every use it (I would need
> > it to reconfigure my Airport Base Station, but not for much else).
> >
> > James

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