Urgent: Hardware Advice - Useable Dell with nVidia Dual Head AGP || PCI-X Card?

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Tue Aug 30 16:05:42 UTC 2005

Matt Galvin wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> At my organization we are looking for a decent machine that Ubuntu
> will work on that also has an nVidia Dual Head AGP || PCI-X card that
> will actually work with Dual LCD Head's. Although personally I am not
> big on Dell, they are our provider ATM and they are the current
> company of choice.
> We already have the displays but the current machines that we have
> simply will not work for various reasons (they are a mixture of dells
> and some other brands).
> If anyone knows of a machine that works (even if I have to customer
> config it), any pointers to those machines would be GREATLY
> appreciated.
> I have shown Ubuntu to many co-workers and some are currently using
> it. I have 5 converts so far :) If we can get a good working setup
> with dual heads we can hopefully have more of our developers using
> Ubuntu too!
> Please help me prove how much Ubuntu ROCKS! by helping us find good
> supported hardware.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks a million in advance!
> Matt

Does it have to be one card?  I use 1 agp and 2 pci cards (with win2000 - havn't 
tried it with linux.  Just wanted to make sure you knew that you can use 2 cards)


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