where can i find qmail for breezy?

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at cafuego.net
Mon Aug 29 02:04:36 UTC 2005

MrKnisely wrote:
>> Can't speak to any of those, except to say that FLOSS tends to have
>> more people checking its code, *and* probably has more users finding
>> bugs -- at least in relation to running it on common Linux machines --
>> so I wouldn't trust that assessment on security.
> DJB is VERY security focused.  DJB releases the source code for his
> work, in fact he requires redistribution to be done that way which is
> why he is not eligible to release under the GPL.  I would wager to say
> as many, if not more, people are looking at his code than anyone else.

Much like watching Gentoo compiler output does make you a programmer,
just looking at postfix or qmail code doesn't make you a security expert ;-)

> See, DJB offers a REWARD for finding security bugs in his software. 
> Some would say he does this because he is an arrogant a$$; some would
> say it is because he releases the best code out there. I would say
> anyone who has worked on getting this reward would agree that it's good
> code.
> MrKnisely

I don't think either postfix OR qmail is better, more secure or easier
to use than the other 1) I just know that it is FAR easier to set up
postfix on an Ubuntu box and keep it up to date with security fixes.

So if there's no reason from a security/useability point of view, why
not go with the option that's easiest for the admin?

- P.

1) I'm basing this on the number of qmail related questions we get on
the #debian and #ubuntu irc channels. There's rather a lot more of them
than postfix ones.

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