where can i find qmail for breezy?

MrKnisely mrknisely at mrknisely.is-a-geek.org
Mon Aug 29 01:13:10 UTC 2005

>Can't speak to any of those, except to say that FLOSS tends to have more 
>people checking its code, *and* probably has more users finding bugs -- at 
>least in relation to running it on common Linux machines -- so I wouldn't 
>trust that assessment on security.
DJB is VERY security focused.  DJB releases the source code for his 
work, in fact he requires redistribution to be done that way which is 
why he is not eligible to release under the GPL.  I would wager to say 
as many, if not more, people are looking at his code than anyone else.  
See, DJB offers a REWARD for finding security bugs in his software.  
Some would say he does this because he is an arrogant a$$; some would 
say it is because he releases the best code out there.  I would say 
anyone who has worked on getting this reward would agree that it's good 


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