linux newbie

Sebastian M=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=sch sebastian at
Fri Aug 26 10:24:41 UTC 2005


Once upon a time Sebastian Müsch wrote:

> Hi,
> Once upon a time Jonathan Saylor wrote:
>> other advice from someone who has used linux for sometime now. linux is
>> highly documented on the web and in man pages installed by default are a
>> wealth of information, as are info pages. (man <application name>  or
>> info <application name>).. if you have a question that you feel is a
>> simple question or is a "stupid question" you might be able to achive
>> your answer faster by using those 2 resources alone.  hoped I could be
>> somewhat helpful.
> As the biggest problem is "How's the name for a specific program for some
> purpose" the most important commands need to be told too.
> For installed apps, at the terminal use: "apropos search_token"
> This command will search trough the descriptions of all installed apps and
> will find the app you need.
> If no application for some purpose is installed and you don't want to use
> the search within synaptic use apt-cache. "apt-cache search_token" This will
> list all aplications that have something to do with the search term.
> There are some more apps, which will help ... "whatis application" will give
> you the short description.

Oh, i forgot to mention the util "file", it's quite useful if you are
unsure, what the filetype of a specific file is. This small nasty tool with
it's huge library is the reason, why there's almost no need for using
dot-suffixes within linux-environments ;-)


     _ :'_
   .`_`-'_`.     Sebastian Müsch
  :__|\ /|__:      sebastian at
  :__| S |__:
  :__|   |__:     iTunes spielt gerade:
   `._.-._.'         "hoshizora to heishi" von kemuri

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