SCSI : "hot" plugging scanners ?

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Fri Aug 26 01:12:38 UTC 2005

On 8/25/05, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> I have currently a SCSI scanner (Epson Snapscan 1236) attached to my
> So I was wondering, is there a way (some magical command line utility or
> something) to ask the SCSI controller (low end Adaptec 2904)  to re-scan
> the bus so it can find the scanner and hopefully Ubuntu will pick it up

I installed and used the scsiadd utility -- it does exactly what you
want. I used it all the time for EXACTLY the same reason up until a
few weeks ago.

There may be some way to make hotplug see it, but I never figured that out.

BTW to all the detractors -- a few months ago I walked into my office
and smelled smoke. It didn't take me long to discover it was my Agfa
SnapScan SCSI scanner. The MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor -- same component
in a cheapo surge supressor) -- burned up, as they apparently tend to
do. It probably would not have set fire to the office, but I caught it
quickly so I didn't find out. I was able to replace the MOV and it
still works, but I NEVER leave it on anymore. Before that happened, I
left my scanner on most of the time because the lamp turned off
automatically and I figured the power draw was minimal.

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