Eclipse and Free Java

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Wed Aug 24 13:38:07 UTC 2005

On 8/24/05, Steve Torrefranca <javacide at> wrote:
> >>Is it possible to use Eclipse with a free JavaVM with Ubuntu Hoary?
> sorry man I am just curious why you would prefer 3rd party javaVM?
> why not use sun-j2sdk1.5 that is in hoary?  

His original post had this link

If that doesn't answer your question maybe we're talking about something else.

> what I do is apt-get
> sun-j2sdk1.5 and then download eclipse.gz from eclipse.

That works great if you're running on Intel and you don't mind the
license restrictions of Sun Java. If you're on PPC you're "SOL."

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