look alike app for linux-ppc

Lee Braiden lee_b at digitalunleashed.com
Tue Aug 23 07:17:06 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 23 August 2005 07:35, Nicolas Cornet wrote:
> I installed mldonkey but there is no way I can run it. I cheched both the
> "mldonkey-gui" and "mldonkey-sever" packages in synaptic. But the only
> executables I find after installation are mldonkey_options,
> mldonkey_command, mldonkey_server, ... The executables mldonkey or
> mldonkey_ don't seem to exist, but appear anyway when pressing ALT+F2.
> How are things supposed to work?

Umm... it's pretty tricky, since the debian/ubuntu packages don't install 
properly.  And, it's not actually the greatest program even once it's 
running.  I mostly stick with gtk-gnutella and bittorrent.

Basically, you can run mldonkey_server as root -- perhaps from a clean 
directory, or after deleting the older configuration stuff installed by the 
package; I forget the details.  Then, you just run the client, or you can 
access the server through a web browser through a specific port number.  
Should be all explained in /usr/share/doc/mldonkey*

Lee Braiden
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