Ubuntu not in Debian Common Core Alliance?

Steve bassix at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 12:55:49 UTC 2005

On 8/18/05, Paul Sladen <ubuntu at paul.sladen.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, David Coldrick wrote:
> Hello David,
> > Anyone care to comment on why Ubuntu is not on the
> > list?<http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1848889,00.asp>
> Can I turn the question around, to ask you (and others) your impression 
> and
> ideas about the following the questions:
> * Why/if you think Ubuntu should jump on the DCCA bandwagon?

I do not think Ubuntu should join. I like how Ubuntu is now, with scheduled 
releases (following Gnome release schedule).

* (If so,) Should Ubuntu join immediately; ...in 3 months, ...in 6 months?
> * The benefits you think joining would bring to: (a) Ubuntu, (b) Debian.

I think any benefits would be more to Debian, than Ubuntu. Debian would gain 
a lot of input (theoretically) from the rather large Ubuntu base of users. 
Ubuntu would gain a little, from having a stronger voice in the direction of 

* Any negative impacts joining would have on: (a) Ubuntu, (b) Debian.

I think the negative impact on Ubuntu would be a shift in focus from what it 
seems to be now. I like how it is at the moment, taking what is available 
from Debian at that moment and then concentrating on the other things, 
Gnome, apps, etc.

Actually I don't see any negative impact on Debian... maybe only a small 
change that may not suit other Debian voices, as Ubuntu would have a 
stronger influence than now.

(You may also read the last two questions as "The downsides of /not/
> joining DCCA" and "The advantages of /not/ joining DCCA").
> -Paul
> --
> Attempting to remain unbiased and neutral. London, GB

Good choice of words! All anyone can do is "attempt" neutrality, as we are 
all biased by our limit of experiences. As long as all voices are heard.

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