Changing password to a keyring

Michael R Head burner at
Fri Aug 12 18:19:21 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 18:26 +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
> I really can't find the answer to this:
>  How to I change the password for a keyring in the Gnome keyring
>  manager?
> I had Nautilus remember a password for an SMB store. It created a
> keyring named 'default'. I don't remember if I had to enter the password
> for it, or if it just took my current password... that's what it is
> protected with anyway. Now I've changed my password and I'd really like
> to change the password for the keyring as well. But I can't find out how
> to do it!

I believe breezy/gnome 2.12 will have the GUI keyring manager app to
handle that

It should be in hoary, too, actually


> /M

Michael R Head <burner at>
burner | suppressingfire | firestorm | phoenix | firefighter

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