The Grub

Caleb Metheny calebme at
Fri Aug 12 01:30:21 UTC 2005

I tried working this problem out in the IRC but after a lot of help I
was suggested to also come here.

So here is the problem...

When I get to the Grub menu and select to boot with WinXP. It won't
boot I have waited 20min+ to see if it would boot but it would not. I
then asked teh IRC channel for help, and I was suggested to try
(hd3,1). That gave me error 21. I also tried doing (hd1,1) with that I
get error 13.

The only way I get WinXP to boot is through the BIOS by changing which
HDD boots first. HDD-0 gets me the GRUB, and HDD-1 will get me into

Any Ideas?

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