howto 'apt-get update' offline

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Aug 10 20:42:26 UTC 2005

On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 02:34:44PM +0530, Santanu Chatterjee wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>I have a Ubuntu (Hoary) box at home without any internet connection.
>However, at our university, we have a 2Mbps line. In a recent thread
>here, there was a discussion about using Ubuntu on computers without
>internet connection.
>In this respect, I have an idea. Instead of downloading an entire
>archive and making installable CD/DVDs out of it, why not use apt-get
>itself ?
>For this, first thing I require is to be able to do an 'apt-get update'
>What I intend to do is: get a list of files that will be downloaded and
>knowledge of where exactly they will be placed by the 'apt-get update'
>command.  Once I have this info, I can easily use wget or silimar to
>download all those files from another connected computer, carry those
>to my system, and get its package info uptodate. Then I can use apt-get
>to get a list of packages to be downloaded to install some software. I
>can then use wget to download those software from the connected
>computer and carry them home. This should work. What do you think?
>Anyway, I am now stuck at apt-get update. Can you tell me which files
>are downloaded by the update, and where they are to be placed?
>I was thinking that when I successfully complete even a single package
>installation, then I will write this entire thing as a HOWTO or similar
>(if there is none already).

Take a look at /var/lib/apt/lists/.

You might also be able to save yourself from the use of wget by looking
in /var/cache/apt/archives/.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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