Network file transfers as root

Michael Beattie mtbeedee at
Wed Aug 10 00:38:51 UTC 2005

On 8/9/05, Brian Astill <bastill at> wrote:
> Can this be done?
> I can communicate between two computers using gftp (using SSH and openssh
> server) and have transferred all the files in my Home directory from one to
> the other, as "myself".  But what I would like to do is copy the whole Ubuntu
> system from one computer to the other, and that would require root
> privileges.  So ...  like I asked,  can this be done?
> Oh!  and how?  :-)
> Thanks in advance for your help.

Well, the answer is yes, it can be done.  The easiest way to do this
is to put the source and target HDs in one machine and then copy
everything over to the new disk as root being careful to preserve

Doing it from SSH is tricky I think if it's even possible at all but I
guess you'd do the same thing just over SSH.

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