terminal prompt (name change)

René L. Reingard reingard at hispeed.ch
Mon Aug 8 10:58:24 UTC 2005

yesterday, i reinstalled Hoary, as i messed up the system for some reason.  
nothing bad so far, good exercise, and i anyway wanted to have changed  
some stuff.
the only unwanted thing is, that in the Terminal i do have a strange name  
for the machine, the prompt looks like: user at y2-4-01-32-44-23-t5-78:$
i do remember, when the internet connection was set up automaticaly by the  
installation process, ubuntu put this name of the machine into. should i  
have changed the name at that time? how can i do it now? looks to me to  
strange for a simple prompt. isn't it?
thanks for advice,

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