iPod/mp3 questions for a Windows migration

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Fri Aug 5 13:14:52 UTC 2005

Ben Novack a écrit :
> How can I get Sound Juicer to rip MP3s? I've got mp3 and aac
> *playback* working fine all over my system (via hoary-extras), but I
> can't seem to get ripping to happen.
It needs a lib, I don't remember the package. You can try using Goobox
instead, it works fine and don't need additional package once installed.
For other questions I don't know. I import the folder where the music
stays and double click on the one I want to listen first, in Rythmbox.

> Thanks,
> ---Ben
Best greetings, J.Markoll.

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