Fluxbox issue

Charles Malespin charles.malespin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 03:12:44 UTC 2005

Hi all, I know this may be a bit off topic, but I cant seem to get any
help in other places...  I just got flux box from synapitc and it gives
me a basic install.  I mean when I right click to get a menu, all I get
is xterm, restart, and exit.  I looked around and some people are saying
you have to add all kinds of crazy long lines in your int file to get
things working, and then you have to add blah and blah.  I just want
some nice eyecandy and to change things up.  I used gdesklets, and they
ate too much memory.  Any suggestions on how to get fluxbox working
easily(if thats possible) or any other ways to spruce up and make my
gnome desktop have a more unique feel.  I dont want anything super hard
to set up, but I am willing to try most things. I have been to
gnome-look.org too, so something else besides that.  Thanks, and sorry
for the off topic....

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