Help understanding mounting usb

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Aug 3 06:55:33 UTC 2005

On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 10:42:07PM -0500, Jimmie Houchin wrote:
>I have an iAudio G3 mp3 player. I plugged it into my Breezy laptop and
>an icon pops up in the "computer" nautilus window which says, COWON
>iAUDIO G3. Looks good. But it won't mount. I get this error.
>mount: can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
>So I create a mount point in fstab pointing to /media/usb1
>Then I get an error telling me that only root can mount. Ugh.
>The problem also is that when I mount as root in a terminal I don't get
>a browsable filesystem as I would like, but rather 3 directories 001,
>002,003 and a file devices.
>If I set up fstab to open on /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda I am able to
>mount and navigate the filesystem successfully. But then I have in the
>"computer" nautilus window with both the COWON iAUDIO G3 icon and also
>an icon for the usb1 drive.
>Now that is a livable condition. But it would be nice if the COWON
>iAUDIO G3 icon mounted correctly and was the icon which represented
>this device rather than the created one of the usb1 to circumvent the
>failure of the other to operate as anticipated.
>Any help greatly appreciated.

Is there any reason why you have a partition on the device at all? My
experience is that USB storage devices have their filesystem on the
device, i.e. there is only /dev/sda no /dev/sda1.

If you add entries to /etc/fstab and want users to be able to mount the
device you need to add 'user' to the options. I like using 'pmount'
instead of editing /etc/fstab.

Are both devices created (/dev/sda and /dev/sda1) when you plug in your
Do you have any udev rules in place relating to the player (or /dev/sda1
in general)? It seems Gnome's automatic mounting of devices leaves
devices alone if you muck around with the udev rules a bit (I think of
this as a feature, not a bug :-).

I've spent a bit of time configuring my USB stick to appear exactly the
way I want it when plugging it in:

At first I didn't use Gnome's volume manager, but later I learned to
love the beast ;-).

Hope it helps...


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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