Firefox crashes

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Mon Aug 1 21:01:25 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Marc Williams a écrit :
| J.Markoll wrote:
|> Hash: SHA1
|> Marc Williams a écrit :
|> | I am a new 5.04 user after having used several other distros in the
|> past
|> | 4 years or so.  I really like what I see so far.  Everything is up to
|> | date as of yesterday
|> |
|> | There is a specific web page that crashes Firefox.  Let me point:
|> |
|> |
|> | In the tournament ID field enter 555113605 -> Find It.
|> | Instant crash.
|> |
|> | The reason I am writing here instead of a Mozilla forum is that this
|> | same scenario works fine in my FC4 machine with the exact same Firefox
|> | version, same plugins, etc.
|> |
|> | I would appreciate it if anyone else confirm (or refute) this crash.
|> | Also if there's any idea on what causing it to crash with Hoary but not
|> | Fedora?  Thanks!
|> Ubuntu Hoary, new 1.0.6 Firefox: I refute your crash.
|> In such case, first I would watch the Cpu use. But I'm just a newbie,
|> someone might have a more precise idea where to look.
|> Menu/Applications/System tools, for the Cpu and other criterias.
| I found the problem.  It was indeed a misbehaing browser plugin.
| Specifically, I had unknowingly installed the wrong Flash plugin.  (Who
| knew there was more than one...).
In Synaptic, try selecting the line of the package, and read the
information at the bottom of the screen. It might be specified.
Have to reload first, of course.

| I had originally installed the one
| called libflash-mozplugin.  As soon as I uninstalled that one and
| installed the one called flashplayer-mozilla, everything once again is
| back to normal.  Thanks to you and others for responding.
The plugin! I had that once with a Thunderbird plugin I updated: from
outside the distribution. No more Tb two days in a row, till I thought
about it, then have to remove manually...(as installed as user, had to
rm as root, with command lines, inside the very folders...)
Best greetings, J.Markoll.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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