
Darryl Clarke smartssa at
Sun Apr 24 07:21:23 UTC 2005

On 4/24/05, Drewcore <drewsph at> wrote:
> hi. i want to idiot proof two accounts on one of my machines (one for
> guests, the other for a child). the things that i'd like to do in
> gnome are:
> 1. disable right clicking with the mouse
> 2. make a logout desktop icon
> any help appreciated!

Disabling right click would have to be done at the xorg (windows)
level, and would disable a lot of functionality in programs.

If it's just the 'desktop' you're worried about, just set the
permissions on the ~username/Desktop folder so they can't delete or
change icons.  Albeit as a user they would still have the abillity to
change the permissions back to delete something, BUT they would have
to know how to do that.

Infact, if you change the ownership of ~username/Desktop to root, and
make sure everything within it can be read by the user, they won't be
able to modify anything.

Play around with permissions in that respect, it can be pretty
powerful when you understand it.

As for the logout icon, that's a good one.  I'm not sure if just
making a launcher to run 'logout' is good enough... but it's worth a
shot. I'd like to see other tips on this...

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at /

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