Restarting networking

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at
Sun Apr 24 05:44:15 UTC 2005

Your're not connecting to your dsl via a router, are you? 'networking' 
does only touch the ethernet interfaces of your computer, not the pppoe 
ones, i.e. networking will reset your ethernet interface, but as you 
wont have a dhcp server, you will not get an ip. You will need to redail 
to your isp:

To connect to your dsl again try '$ sudo pon'; the log for pppoe 
connections can be seen with '$ plog' (Please post the output if 
problems persist).

You can also go into the networking gui that should make things more 
clear: 'System' -> 'Administration' -> 'Networking'. I suppose you will 
see an Ethernet Adapter (eth0) as well as two Modem connections, one for 
cable, the other for dsl. Just activate those if applicable.


John T. Moran wrote:
> I am attempting to restart my network. I use dsl and cable (trying to 
> get rid of cable with dsl being almost as fast at half the price). When 
> I do a /etc/init.d/networking restart or stop and start I loose my ip 
> address and end up with an ip of I am still new at this and 
> am trying to figure out how I can restart networking and pick up a new 
> ip address.
> John


Christoph Georgi
email.  christoph.georgi at
fon.	+64 (0)9 815 8259

registered linux user #380268
ubuntulinux 4.10 (warty)

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