my dvd/cdrw combo doesn't recogonize any dvd disks

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at
Fri Apr 22 06:16:59 UTC 2005

Hongming Yang napisaƂ(a):

>The dvd/cdrw combo works fine with any data CDs, but cannot work with
>any DVD disks. Anyone met the same problem?
Video DVD or Data DVD? Video DVD is not supported out of the box because 
of legal matters. You can fix that by enabling Universe and adding some 
DVD codecs (I have no idea wich one, because I don't own DVD;-). I bet 
Wiki/Fora will be helpful here. (I'm guessing it's DVD-CSS and Xine 
backend for Totem).

 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski,
 GNU/Linux :-)

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