Another Advantage of Ubuntu

John Ughrin jughrin at
Wed Apr 20 13:55:19 UTC 2005

> From: Ed Sutherland <digital at>
> Subject: Another Advantage of Ubuntu
> To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions
> <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID: <4265D011.4000404 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;
> format=flowed
> After screwing up Hoary by updating to Breezy, I
> went back and in 30 
> minutes had Ubuntu re-installed and back running. I
> would still be 
> waiting on the Windows re-install or scratching my
> head over other Linux 
> distros; another advantage of Ubuntu and the Ubuntu
> support community.
> Ed

I had a similar experience, upgrading to Hoary killed
my Warty. So I just installed Hoary from CD...fixed
very quickly. I recently had to re-install WinXP
(before Ubuntu) and it took most of a day.

"Faith without works is nothing,
 works without faith is still...ah...pretty good."
Jon Stewart, _The Daily Show_ 1/18/2005

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