
afmdg afmdg at
Wed Apr 20 13:02:14 UTC 2005

janne a écrit :

>tis 2005-04-19 klockan 21:21 -0700 skrev Daniel Robitaille:
>>On Tue, 2005-19-04 at 18:06 -0600, nekrataal at wrote:
>>>I have troubles with skype and hoary, ive read all over the forums, but no real
>>>solution, only killing esd seems to work..i even installed polypaudio since i
>>>read somewhere that esddsp skype used to work on warty and warty used
>>>polypaudio....anyone knows how to get skype working without killing esd...i
>>>really want to be able to hear music and recive call from skype budies...
>>this may work for you for Skype, or may not...or may create some
>>undesirable side-effects (see bugzilla for more details).  But if you
>>are desperate it may be worth trying:
>>*) remove polypaudio and reinstall esound 
>>*) in /etc/esound/esd.conf, set auto_spawn=1   (which in my case was my
>>default in Warty but not in Hoary)
>>*) logout and then login again.
>May or may not help, but for me all I had to do was to kill esd and
>Skype works. And since esd (and artsd) are more trouble than they are
>worth for me in any case, I don't miss it at all.
I use skype with no problem with Hoary in my laptop.
I put in Multimedia Systems Selector the ouput to OSS (I have a Yamaha
YMF 753) to test it. It worked fine.
I found this tip to change in /etc/esound/esd.conf : set auto_spawn=1,
few weeks ago. (Why it isn't by default ?)
And now I put back the output to ESD and all work fine.
I have never do kill esd or esddsp skype.
I saw I have polyaudio and esound-common. I don't have esound.
I  don't understand I also have ubuntu-desktop. Why esound don't install
with ubuntu-desktop ???
I will try to remove polyaudio and reinstall esound to make test.


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