Desktop sharing in Hoary...?

audriusb at audriusb at
Mon Apr 18 06:56:07 UTC 2005

Quoting Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar at>:

X-window is network application designed for remote computing and remote
computing is main advantage of Linux against Windows. You can perform remote
computing on every computer, attached to Internet, watching results on your
monitor (I was working with computers in USA, sitting in Lithuania). All what
you need is:
   1) possibility to login into remote computer (Telnet or SSH),
   2) X-client on remote computer,
   3) X-server on your computer,
   4) Window Manager on your computer must be compatible to X-client on remote
      computer. For example, if GNOME is installed on remote, you should use
      GNOME, Window Maker, IceWM or Black Box on local computer.
Look for details in
or look for
   Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO
elsewhere on WEB.

Gediminas Bukauskas

> On 4/9/05, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at> wrote:
> > Guys,
> >
> > I need to do some remote development work with a colleage elsewhere in
> > the UK. I want him to be able to see at the very least my development
> > environment (probably emacs) and at best my desktop. I also want to talk
> > to him at the same time using Skype although I'd rather use a "free"
> > solution. I'm also on a LAN (DHCP ip address ranges in 192.168.*.*)
> > behind a firewall and on 512 ADSL.
> >
> > We'll both be using Hoary for this.
> >
> > The VoIP skype solution is a no-brainer. Its the "remote desktop" that
> > I'm puzzled by. VNC could be the right choice but how does my mate know
> > which IP address to point to with his client? Secondly, what VNC screen
> > do I have to set in the VNC server in order for him to see my "real"
> > desktop?
> If you're in an institutional environment you may have to talk to your
> network admin to help you establish the VNC connection.
> If you're on you're own LAN (with a unique IP) you may have to
> configure your router to forward traffic for the appropriate port(s)
> to your computer (you'll have to figure out what port(s) VNC uses).
> In that case you'll need to assign a fixed IP address to the desktop
> machine you'd like to share with VNC (using the DHCP server you can
> assign a fixed IP to a specific MAC address (MAC = a hexadecimal
> address referring to the ethernet/wirless port)). Then you'll tell the
> router to forward traffic for the port(s) relating to VNC to that
> specific computer (and, whatever other services you'd like to be able
> to access directly from the larger internet).
> Eric.
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