Video editing/mastering : need advice...

Olafur Arason olafra at
Sat Apr 16 04:12:24 UTC 2005

I don't know if this will help but I tried doing it in gst-editor or
gstreamer-editor in synaptic. The process is not quite strate forward
so I could be making a mistake but at least you can try it. Just
open the file an change the  file source and sink location values.
And then do gst-xmllaunch-0.8 fixmono.xml

Olafur Arason

On 4/16/05, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> I have a couple little videos (about 2 minutes each, under 10MB), that
> were recored from Télévision, so the sound is mono. Problem is that it's
> really mono, that is, the sound play only on one channel (left ear) and
> nothing on in the right ear, so it's not very pleasing to listen to.
> Is there a way to rectify this ?
> If I use some video editing program (recommendations, advice ?), will it
> let me "duplicate/clone" the sound existing left channel onto the right
> channel ?
> According to totem-xine, the details of the file(s) are as follow :
> ------------------------------
> File extension : AVI
> Video:
>    - Dimension: 320x240
>    - Codec:     Microsoft MPEG-4 v3 (ffmpeg)
>    - Framerate: 0 Frames per second (???)
> Audio:
>    - Bitrate:    0 kbps (???)
>    - Codec:      MS Windows Media Audio 2 (ffmpeg)
> --------------------------------
> Doable ?
> I can e-mail the start of the video if it would help, now that Zyiad
> showed me how to use the 'dd' command, I can cut the video to
> length/size to whatever is considered as acceptable by you as an e-mail
> attachment... :o)
> --
> Vince
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at
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