Mischa Falkenburg mandcfalk at
Fri Apr 15 15:22:04 UTC 2005

William F Pearson III wrote:

>It must be the basement. Often when you setup computers below ground
>you have to deal with the earth's magnetic field. The magnetic field
>along with ultra-low frequencies from the tectonic plates can wreck
>havoc on your internet connection. Try connecting at ground level, or
>better yet the attic. Really I'm just kidding and I feel like being a
>jackass today.
>As the previous responder said, there are exceptions. If your ISP
>requires proprietary Windows software to connect you might be in
>trouble. If all you need is a modem and Windows dial-up-networking you
>should be fine with networking configuration in the gnome menu. System
>>Adminstration > Networking
>On 4/15/05, azz <ulist at> wrote:
>>Just about everything you need to get online is included on the cd.
>>There are exceptions...
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You seemed pretty humorous to me...
Yeah, the ISP want's to use Windows...that's what the upstairs box is doing.
It's through ATT, and they've been zero help in how to do's 
like nothing other than Windows exists - sheesh!

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