[Breezy] evince not installable.

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Apr 14 23:05:22 UTC 2005


On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 21:40 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> No, it was not meant to be taken literally... I aplogoize if you got
> mistaken by my dubious sense of humour... ;o)

OK, thought I had missed something in the documentation!

> But like you, I wsih GRUB would let you design you own user interface,
> at least to some extent. A bit like in my MS-DOS days, when I spent some
> time making a "bat" file to make a nice menu to start all the program,
> and windows, park the disk's head etc...

Ah! Those were the days! Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be:-)

> Would be great if we could customize GRUB's text interface by means of
> some text file, with a very basic scripting language to describe the
> UI..
> If the GRUB team doesn't want to do it, maybe Ubuntu could hack it, once
> we are done with the rest of the eye candy (kernel bootsplash, graphical
> installer etc). I don't dream of it for Breezy, but maybe we could make
> some proof of concept for breezy+1 ? 
> I think there is a wiki page for Ubuntu's eye candy, I will try to find
> it and add my thoughts about GRUB... :o)))

There is grub-2 in development, also known as PUPA. But I don't know if
that has these features. Would be nice though.

> I am no specialist. However I know myself a bit, and just like sudo is
> safer than having constant access to root, despite allowing to do
> exactly the same potentially disastrous things, I find that having
> Breezy on a dedicated, and distinct physical drive, brings me a lot more
> peace of mind that having it on the same physical drive as my
> primary/important OS, Warty.
> On a more technical level though, I did try to install Mandrake 9.2
> twice some time ago, on the same disk, and could never figure how to do
> it. I don't know if the problem was my lack of experience/knowledge back
> then, or a limitation in Mandrake's installer, or both, but I couldn't
> do it.

I currently have three operating systems on a single disk! Windows, and
two copies of Hoary. It was Warty and Hoary until I upgraded. I plan to
move the second version of Hoary to Breezy at some time so I can check
it out. Managing the boot menu is a little tricky at the moment, but I
can live with it.

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
Manchester Computing, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039
E: tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk, H: http://www.man.ac.uk/Tony.Arnold

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