Hoary Upgrade - Unable to start Gnome

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 11:25:53 UTC 2005

On 4/14/05, steven at heimann.com.au <steven at heimann.com.au> wrote:
> I just upgraded a computer from Warty to Hoary using synaptic and trying
> to follow the upgrade notes.
> Gnome will no longer start.  I get the error "There was an error loading
> the theme Human - bad size specifier scale".  If I press enter to continue
> the error pops up again.
> I tried changing /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf to another theme but it is still
> trying to use Human.
> Any suggestions.

I would just make sure you have *all* of ubuntu-base and ubunutu-desktop. 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

There might be something missing -- but just a guess. 


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