Conduct (Re: World Domination?)

Karl kaha at
Thu Apr 14 05:08:53 UTC 2005

I've kept my mouth shut, but now I'm going to voice my opinion that I
can't believe this conversation is taking place.
Am I incorrect in my observation that a joking comment by Linus has been
misunderstood to the point where it's lame and twisted?
I mean, what's up here?
"Sugar coated"? I think that the goals of Ubuntu are noble and
idealistic, and I am of the opinion that the mission here is real, and
not slick advertising.

I am done with this thread, as I find it both saddening and
unproductive. The spirit of Ubuntu is good, and I would love to see it
throughout the world. The spirit, and peferably, the distro.

On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 15:42 +1200, Christoph Georgi wrote:
> I think you, Phillipe, misinterpret the idea of freedom of expression 
> that you refer to when arguing that Ubuntu becomes a cult where everyone 
> who critises becomes excommunicated:
> freedom of expression does not mean that you are allowed to say anything 
> you like, but that you may express you oppinion equally to everyone 
> else, given a certain set of boundaries that are ubiquitous (e.g. 
> slander for example is forbidden in all countries afaik, where the 
> priciple of free speech is held high, by law and can be persecuted!) And 
> in this community there are some rules, too. You may accept them and 
> join or not (that choice you do not have in any country). You may also 
> challenge these in an _overt_ manner if you wish (that is a priviledge 
> of freedom of expression). But you may not disobey them!
> If there wouldn't be any rules to govern freedom of expression one 
> probably ends up in anarchy. And in anarchy free speech is not possible 
> as inequality prevails. And that's certainly not where this community is 
> steering towards.
> You're welcome to speek up but in accordance to the few rules given, 
> which includes not accusing other people without having any evidence. 
> And that too, it seems, is what you are doing when talking about Ubuntu 
> as the sugar coat to Cultism or Faschism or whatever.
> And that's what mdz referred to: "If you would like to dispense with the 
> antagonism and vague accusations, and clearly explain the situation as 
> you perceive it, I am willing to listen." With emphasis on "clearly 
> explain", i.e. give at least some evidence to justify your "vague 
> accusations". And most certainly you're oppinion will be respected.
> regards
> .christoph
> Peter Garrett wrote:
> > On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 03:11 +0200, Philippe Landau wrote:
> > 
> >>>>>This isn't persecution; it's civilization.  
> >>
> >>I'm not too keen on having a software company define for me
> >>what is civilisation. A little humility would be much appreciated.
> >>Canonical/Ubuntu is not the beginning and the end.
> > 
> > 
> > Really, Phillipe , this is absurd. Matt clearly was expressing his
> > opinion, not a company or Ubuntu policy.
> > 
> > As for humility, my frank impression is that you are behaving as if the
> > world revolved around your opinions. Hint: it doesn't.
> > 
> > It was entertaining for a while. Now it's become merely tedious.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > 
> > Peter Garrett
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Christoph Georgi
> -----------------------------
> email.  christoph.georgi at
> fon.	+64 (0)9 815 8259
> registered linux user #380268
> ubuntulinux 4.10 (warty)
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