[horay] hotplug hangs system after inital install

mat nicholson sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com
Wed Apr 13 18:01:19 UTC 2005

its not a usb keyboard. only things plugged in are keyboard, monitor, 
and ethernet cable.

Sam Tygier wrote:

> if its a usb keyboard and mouse try removing it
> mat nicholson wrote:
>> after the inital install, the sytem reboots and when it gets to 
>> hotplug, it just hangs there. this is a dell demension 4500s, with a 
>> radeon video card (also has on board video). have tried 
>> unplugging/removing everything except keyboard and mouse (on-board 
>> video cannot be disabled). this happened with an RC and the final 
>> release. any help? any ideas? any way to disable hotplug, and if so, 
>> what would the downside be?
>> this is a for a freind of mine who really wants to try ubuntu, and it 
>> sucks that his system is teh one i've ever seen it not like. any help 
>> would be great.

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