Partition sizes and data

Gary Graham grahamgl at
Wed Apr 13 11:39:50 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 18:40 -0400, amigian wrote:
> Still a newbie here. A couple of questions regarding linux partitions.
> First - Is the root partition for linux only and the Home partition for 
> the install of programs and keeping of data? If i am incorrect in this, 
> please inform me to as what is.
> Second - Approximately what are good sizes (MB) for each of the partitions?
> Thanks for the info.
> -- 
> Later.
> Marc
> My Yahoo! Groups
> IronLadies2

I have two 60G hard drives in my system.
I go to manual partitioning, and set up the slave first.
I put a 1G swap drive at the begining of the drive, then put a second
partition for the rest of the drive as /home
The master drive I just put as / and that is all.
I have re-installed the operating system several times, and as long as I
tell it not not format the /home partition, I do not lose any actual

This makes backing up easy, also.


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