ulist at
Wed Apr 13 02:00:02 UTC 2005
HI, I came across this thread because I myself share an a/v sync problem
when viewing movies in totem, although that problem is due to it using
the esound daemon.
Anyways I have a laptop with a Mobility Radeon 9000 and use the fglrx
drivers as well. When I installed the drivers I happened across an
excellent guide, in some ubuntu forum although I regret I don't have
the link, and I didn't use any automated setup.
Without further ado I suggest copying and pasting the following in,
# === Video Overlay for the Xv extension ===
Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
# === OpenGL Overlay ===
# Note: When OpenGL Overlay is enabled, Video Overlay
# will be disabled automatically
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
# === Use internal AGP GART support? ===
# If OpenGL acceleration doesn't work, try using "yes" here
# and disable the kernel agpgart driver.
Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
Below is my entire xorg.conf file for copying and pasting, my apologies
for the length,
# /etc/x11/xorg.conf (xorg x window system server configuration file)
# this file was generated by dexconf, the debian x configuration tool,
# values from the debconf database.
# edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/x11/xorg.conf manual
# (type \"man /etc/x11/xorg.conf\" at the shell prompt.)
# this file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the
# package.
# if you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically
# again, run the following commands:
# cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf.custom
# sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/x11/xorg.conf
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
section \"files\"
fontpath \"unix/:7100\" # local font server
# if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on these
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/misc\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/cyrillic\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/type1\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/cid\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/100dpi\"
fontpath \"/usr/lib/x11/fonts/75dpi\"
# paths to defoma fonts
fontpath \"/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/truetype\"
fontpath \"/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/cid\"
section \"module\"
load \"bitmap\"
load \"dbe\"
load \"ddc\"
load \"glcore\"
load \"glx\"
load \"dri\"
# load \"extmod\" but omit dga extension - this must be included as is
if you want to change resolution on the fly
subsection \"extmod\"
option \"omit xfree86-dga\"
load \"freetype\"
load \"int10\"
load \"record\"
load \"type1\"
load \"vbe\"
section \"inputdevice\"
identifier \"generic keyboard\"
driver \"keyboard\"
option \"corekeyboard\"
option \"xkbrules\" \"xorg\"
option \"xkbmodel\" \"pc104\"
option \"xkblayout\" \"us\"
section \"inputdevice\"
identifier \"configured mouse\"
driver \"mouse\"
option \"corepointer\"
option \"device\" \"/dev/input/mice\"
option \"protocol\" \"imps/2\"
option \"emulate3buttons\" \"true\"
option \"zaxismapping\" \"4 5\"
section \"inputdevice\"
identifier \"synaptics touchpad\"
driver \"synaptics\"
option \"sendcoreevents\" \"true\"
option \"device\" \"/dev/psaux\"
option \"protocol\" \"auto-dev\"
option \"horizscrolldelta\" \"0\"
section \"device\"
identifier \"ati technologies, inc. radeon mobility 9000 m9 (r250
driver \"fglrx\"
# if x refuses to use the screen resolution you asked for,
# uncomment this; see \"bugs and workarounds\" for details.
#option \"noddc\"
# === video overlay for the xv extension ===
option \"videooverlay\" \"on\"
# === opengl overlay ===
# note: when opengl overlay is enabled, video overlay
# will be disabled automatically
option \"opengloverlay\" \"off\"
# === use internal agp gart support? ===
# if opengl acceleration doesn't work, try using \"yes\" here
# and disable the kernel agpgart driver.
option \"useinternalagpgart\" \"no\"
# you don't actually need this next busid bit - unless maybe you have
dual monitors?
# i've removed it from mine (single monitor only) and all is well.
# i think it's a leftover from fxglrconfig - doh!
busid \"pci:1:0:0\"
section \"monitor\"
identifier \"generic monitor\"
option \"dpms\"
section \"screen\"
identifier \"default screen\"
device \"ati technologies, inc. radeon mobility 9000 m9 (r250 lf)\"
monitor \"generic monitor\"
defaultdepth 24
subsection \"display\"
depth 1
modes \"1024x768\"
subsection \"display\"
depth 4
modes \"1024x768\"
subsection \"display\"
depth 8
modes \"1024x768\"
subsection \"display\"
depth 15
modes \"1024x768\"
subsection \"display\"
depth 16
modes \"1024x768\"
subsection \"display\"
depth 24
modes \"1024x768\"
section \"serverlayout\"
identifier \"default layout\"
screen \"default screen\"
inputdevice \"generic keyboard\"
inputdevice \"configured mouse\"
inputdevice \"synaptics touchpad\"
section \"dri\"
mode 0666
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