Unable to use wi-fi on Ubuntu Hoary under WEP

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at web.de
Wed Apr 13 00:12:29 UTC 2005

Well, that might be the problem. Did you add the appropriate entry 
already? If so, does it work?

If not, please check whether your card communicating with the AP by 
checking your AP's logfile. If not, you're likely to still have some 
mismatching in your configs..


The_Eye_In_The_Sky wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 10:53 -0500, Matthew Franz wrote:
>>Are you manually configuring WEP using iwtools or using the gnome
>>networking inteface configuration
>>which should put it in /etc/network/interfaces/
>>iface eth1 inet dhcp
>>wireless-essid <essid-here>
>>wireless-key <key here, all uppercase, hex>
> I am using the Gnome network setup configuration, no point editing files
> directly in Ubuntu, I will settle with Debian then =D
> Although I defined the WEP Key in the Gnome screen,
> the /etc/network/interfaces/ only contains :
> iface eth1 inet dhcp
> wireless-essid <essid-here>
> it does not contain the "wireless-key" line.
> A bug then?


Christoph Georgi
email.  christoph.georgi at web.de
fon.	+64 (0)9 815 8259

registered linux user #380268
ubuntulinux 4.10 (warty)

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