cd ejection

Olafur Arason olafra at
Tue Apr 12 19:52:24 UTC 2005

First you have to be a member of the cdrom group to mount  a cdrom,
you can do this in System->Administration->Users and Groups then 
click on the user and go to preferences and User Privileges and click
mount cdrom. 
Then there is the issue you have:
When somebody inserts a cdrom then the cdrom is mounted and only
that user plus the root can eject it. If that user leaves the session
without unmounting or ejecting the cdrom, it is basically stuck there.
Possible short term solutions are that you can su user and eject or 
sudo eject, both require knowing some password. 
An other solution is to do:
sudo vi /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default
and and /bin/umount /dev/hdc after #!/bin/sh 
Open a bug if this is a desired functionality

Olafur Arason

On Apr 12, 2005 6:11 PM, Norman Silverstone <norman at> wrote:
> There are 2 users on my machine my wife and myself. My wife had been
> using the computer earlier today and when she had finished I decided,
> for the first time, to change to my desktop using Applications-> System
> Tools-> New login. Some time later I came to eject a CD from the drive
> and could not do so although only about half an hour before I had been
> able to. The error message told me that only my wife could eject the CD.
> Therefore, I changed desktops, this time using System-> Log Out and then
> ejected the CD. I am using Hoary and this has never happened to me
> before. Could someone please explain to me what is going on and why this
> should happen?
> Norman
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