well, I've trashed my system ...again ;)

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 11 18:30:10 UTC 2005

On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 04:19:06AM +1000, Adam Membrey wrote:

> So in short my /var/ directory has been nuked, I've been informed that this 
> now requires a reinstall (which is fine, I had to resize my partitions 
> anyhoo)
> My question is, if I I backup /usr/ /bin/ /home/ /etc/ and then restore them 
> when I've reinstalled, will everything be back as it was? or should I do a dd 
> on the partition?

You can backup and restore /home verbatim.  I recommend selectively
restoring /etc, only the files that you find that you need.  You should not
touch /usr; the data there is provided by the packaging system.

 - mdz

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